//Example 11.10 clear; clc; printf("\tExample 11.10\n"); //From material balance // D+W=1 // 0.995D+0.1W=1*3 A=[1 1;0.995 0.1]; B=[1;3]; Rm = (1952-1547)/(1547-295); printf("\n Rm = %.3f",Rm); NA = 1.08*405; printf("\n Since the actual reflux is 8 pre cent above the minimum NA = 1.08*NmA = %.3f",NA); N = 5/0.6; printf("\n Number of plates to be required are %.3f",5/0.6); Qb_W = 582 - (-209); printf("\n Heat input to the boiler per unit mass of bottom product is %.3f",Qb_W); printf("\n Heat input to the boiler = %.3f kW",791*0.78); printf("\n Condenser duty = %d kW",(1984-296)*0.22);