clear; clc; printf("\n Example 1.7"); Ai=(%pi/4)*(0.075)^2;//cross sectional area at the gas inlet in m^2 do=0.075;//gas outlet diameter in m p=1.3;//gas density in kg/m^3 Z=1.2;//height of the seperator in m dt=0.3;//seperator diameter in m v=1.5;//gas entry velocity in m/sec G=(Ai*v*p);//mass flow rate of the gas in kg/sec printf("\n cross sectional area at the gas inlet is %fm^2",Ai); printf("\ngas outlet diameter is %fm",do); printf("\ngas density is %fkg/m^3",p); printf("\nheight of the seperator is %fm",Z); printf("\nseperator diameter is%fm",dt); printf("\nmass flow rate of the gas is %fkg/sec",G); function[u]=terminal_vel() u=0.2*(Ai)^2*(do)*p*9.8/(%pi*Z*(dt)*G);//velocity is in m/sec funcprot(0); endfunction u=terminal_vel(); printf("\nthe terminal velocity of the smallest particle retained by the seperator =%fm/sec",u); function[d]=particle_diameter(u) u=terminal_vel(); n=0.018*10^(-3);//viscosity in mNs/m^2 ps=2700;//density of the particle in kg/m^3 d=((u*18*n)/(9.8*(ps-p)))^(0.5);//particle size in um funcprot(0); endfunction u=terminal_vel(); d=particle_diameter(u); do=d*10^6; printf("\n particle diameter by the stoke law is %fum",do);