clc; clear; printf("\n Example 8.2\n"); rho_l=800; //Density of liquid printf("\n Given\n Density of liquid = %d kg/m^3",rho_l); Meu_l=0.5e-3;//Viscosity of liquid printf("\n Viscosity of liquid = %.1f * 10^-3 N s/m^2",Meu_l*1e3); Q=0.0004;//Volumetric flow rate printf("\n Volumetric flow rate = %d m^3/s",Q*1e6); liq_depth=0.07; d=25e-3;//Diameter of pipe used printf("\n Diameter of pipe used = %d",d*1e3); p_v_r=1e3;//Pressure of vapor in reboiler printf("\n Pressure of vapor in reboiler = %d kN/m^2",p_v_r*1e-3); Z=2;//Net Positive Suction Head printf("\n Net Positive Suction Head = %d m",Z); A=%pi/4*d^2;//Cross sectional area of pipe printf("\n\n Calculations:\n Cross sectional area of pipe = %.5f m^2",A); u=Q/A;//Velocity in pipe printf("\n Velocity in pipe = %.3f m/s",u); Re=d*u*rho_l/Meu_l;//Reynolds no. printf("\n Reynolds no. = %d ",Re); //From Figure 3.7, the friction factor for a smooth pipe is: phi=0.0028; hf_l=(4*phi*u^2)/(d*9.81); printf("\n head loss due to friction per unit length = %.4f m/m of pipe",hf_l); //It should be noted that a slightly additional height will be required if the kinetic energy at the pump inlet cannot be utilised. //Thus the height between the liquid level in the reboiler and the pump, HQ, depends on the length of pipe between the reboiler and the pump. If this is say 10 m l=10; hf=hf_l*l; //equation 8.26 becomes: ho=Z+hf; printf("\n The minimum height required = %.1f m",ho);