clc; clear; printf("\n Example 6.2\n"); rho_sul=1300;//Density of sulphuric acid printf("\n Given:\n Density of sulphuric acid = %d kg/ m^3",rho_sul); id=50e-3;//Internal diameter of pipe printf("\n Internal diameter of pipe = %d mm",id*1e3); d_o=10e-3;//Diameter of orifice printf("\n Diameter of orifice = %d mm",d_o*1e3); h=.1;//Differential pressure shown on a mercury manometer printf("\n Differential pressure shown on a mercury manometer = %.1f m",h); Cd=0.61//Coeffecient of discharge printf("\n Coeffecient of discharge = %.2f",Cd); rho_merc=13550;//Density of mercury printf("\n Density of mercury = %d kg/m^3",rho_merc); rho_watr=1000;//Density of water printf("\n Density of water = %d kg/m^3",rho_watr); printf("\n\n Calculations:\n (a)"); area_o=%pi/4*d_o^2;//area of orifice //The differential pressure is given by: h_sul=h*(rho_merc-rho_sul)/rho_sul;// //The mass flow-rate G is given by: //substituting in equation 6.21 gives the mass flowrate as: G_sul=Cd*area_o*rho_sul*(2*9.81*h_sul)^0.5; printf("\n The mass flow rate of acid = %.3f kg/s\n (b)",G_sul); DP=rho_sul*9.81*h_sul; printf("\n The drop in pressure = %.0f kN/m^2",DP*1e-3);