clear; clc; printf("Example 10.4\n"); Q=3e-6; //Flow rate of water Meu=1e-3; //Viscosity of water D=1.5e-9; //diffusivity of carbon dioxide in water rho=1e3; //Density of water //the mean velocity of flow is governed by equation 3.87 in which sin(phi)is //put equal to unity for a vertical surface: s=(Q*1e2*Meu*3/(rho*9.81))^(1/3);//Thickness of film //A=Ux/Us=0.95; A=0.95; y=s*(1-A)^0.5;//The distance below the free surface //using equation 10.108 and using tables of error fuctions t=(1.305/1.822)^2 Us=rho*9.81*s^2/(2*Meu);//surface velocity L=Us*t;//The maximum lend=gth of column printf("\n The maximum length of column = %.2f m",L);