clc; clear; printf("\n Example 10.12\n"); k=5e-4;//first order rate constant D_e=2e-9;//effective diffusivity of reactants in the pores of the particles lambda=(k/D_e)^0.5; // (i) For the platelet of thickness 8 mm, L=0.5*(8e-3); phi=lambda*L;//thiele modulus //From equation 10.202, the effectiveness factor 'eta' is given by: eta=(1/phi)*tanh(phi); printf("\n (i) Thiele modulus = %.1f",phi); printf("\n The effectiveness factor = %.3f",eta); //(ii) For the sphere of diameter 10 mm, r_o = 0.005 m^-1. r_o=5e-3; phi_o=lambda*r_o;//Thiele modulus //From equation 10.212, the effectiveness factor 'eta' is given by: eta_o=(3/phi_o)*(coth(phi_o)-(1/phi_o)); printf("\n (i) Thiele modulus = %.1f",phi_o); printf("\n The effectiveness factor = %.3f",eta_o);