clear; clc; printf('FUNDAMENTALS OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER \n Incropera / Dewitt / Bergman / Lavine \n EXAMPLE 8.6 Page 516 \n'); //Example 8.6 // Heat Loss from the Duct over the Length L, q // Heat flux and suface temperature at x=L //Operating Conditions m = .05; //[kg/s] mass flow rate of water Ti = 103+273; //[K] Inlet temp To = 77+273; //[K] Outlet temperature D = .15; //[m] Diameter L = 5; //[m] length ho = 6; //[W/m^2.K] Heat transfer convective coefficient Tsurr = 0+273; //[K] Temperature of surrounding //Table A.4 Air Properties T = 363 K cp = 1010; //[J/kg.K] specific heat //Table A.4 Air Properties T = 350 K k = .030; //[W/m] Thermal Conductivity u = 20.82*10^-6; //[N.s/m^2] Viscosity Pr = .7; //Prandtl Number q = m*cp*(To-Ti); Re = m*4/(%pi*D*u); printf("\n As Reynolds Number is %i. The flow is Turbulent.",Re); //Equation 8.6 n = 0.3; Nu = .023*Re^.8*Pr^.3; h = Nu*k/D; q2 = (To-Tsurr)/[1/h + 1/ho]; Ts = -q2/h+To; printf("\n\n Heat Loss from the Duct over the Length L, q = %i W \n Heat flux and suface temperature at x=L is %.1f W/m^2 & %.1f degC respectively",q,q2,Ts-273); //END