clear; clc; printf('FUNDAMENTALS OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER \n Incropera / Dewitt / Bergman / Lavine \n EXAMPLE 3.2 Page 107 \n'); //Example 3.2 // Chip Operating Temperature Tf = 25+273; //[K] - Temperature of Fluid Flow L=.008; //[m] - Thickness of Aluminium k=239; // [W/m.K] Effective Thermal Conductivity of Aluminium Rc=.9*10^-4; //[K.m^2/W] Maximum permeasible Resistane of Epoxy Joint q=10^4; //[W/m^2] Heat dissipated by Chip h=100; //[W/m^2.k] - Thermal Convectivity from chip to air //Temperature of Chip //q=(Tc-Tf)/(1/h)+(Tc-Tf)/(Rc+(L/k)+(1/h)) Tc = Tf + q*(h+1/(Rc+(L/k)+(1/h)))^-1; printf("\n\n Temperature of Chip = %.2f degC",Tc-273); printf("\n Chip will Work well below its maximum allowable Temperature ie 85 degC") //END