clear; clc; printf('FUNDAMENTALS OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER \n Incropera / Dewitt / Bergman / Lavine \n EXAMPLE 3.10 Page 156 \n'); //Example 3.10 // Study of motorcycle finned cylinder H = .15; //[m] height k = 186; //[W/m.K] alumunium at 400K h = 50; //[W/m^2.K] Heat convection coefficient Tsurr = 300; //[K] Temperature of surrounding air To = 500; //[K] Temp inside //Dimensions of Fin N = 5; t = .006; //[m] Thickness L = .020; //[m] Length r2c = .048; //[m] r1 = .025; //[m] Af = 2*%pi*(r2c^2-r1^2); At = N*Af + 2*%pi*r1*(H-N*t); //Using fig 3.19 nf = .95; qt = h*At*[1-N*Af*(1-nf)/At]*(To-Tsurr); qwo = h*(2*%pi*r1*H)*(To-Tsurr); printf("\n\n Heat Transfer Rate with the fins =%i W \n Heat Transfer Rate without the fins =%i W \n Thus Increase in Heat transfer rate of %i W is observed with fins",qt,qwo,qt-qwo); //END