clear; clc; printf('FUNDAMENTALS OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER \n Incropera / Dewitt / Bergman / Lavine \n EXAMPLE 14.7 Page 913 \n')// Example 14.7 // Total dosage of medicine delivered to the patient over a one-week time period, sensivity of the dosage to the mass duffusivity of the patch and skin Dap = .1*10^-12 ;//[m^2/s] Diffusion coefficient of medication with patch Das = .2*10^-12 ;//[m^2/s] Diffusion coefficient of medication with skin L = .05 ;//[m] patch Length rhop = 100 ;//[kg/m^3] Density of medication on patch rho2 = 0 ;//[kg/m^3] Density of medication on skin K = .5 ;//Partition Coefficient t = 3600*24*7 ;//[s] Treatment time //Applying Conservation of species equation 14.47b //By analogy to equation 5.62, 5.26 and 5.58 D = 2*rhop*L^2/(sqrt(%pi))*sqrt(Das*Dap*t)/(sqrt(Das)+sqrt(Dap)/K); printf('\n Total dosage of medicine delivered to the patient over a one-week time period is %.1f mg',D*10^6); //Senstivity of dosage to the patch and skin clf(); //Subplot 1 Dap1 = .1*10^-12 ;//[m^2/s] Das1 = .1*10^-12 ;//[m^2/s] Das2 = .2*10^-12 ;//[m^2/s] Das3 = .4*10^-12 ;//[m^2/s] x = linspace(0,7,50); y1 = 2*rhop*L^2/(sqrt(%pi))*sqrt(Das1*Dap1*3600*24*x)/(sqrt(Das1)+sqrt(Dap1)/K)*10^6; y2 = 2*rhop*L^2/(sqrt(%pi))*sqrt(Das2*Dap1*3600*24*x)/(sqrt(Das2)+sqrt(Dap1)/K)*10^6; y3 = 2*rhop*L^2/(sqrt(%pi))*sqrt(Das3*Dap1*3600*24*x)/(sqrt(Das3)+sqrt(Dap1)/K)*10^6; subplot(1,2,1); plot(x,y1,x,y2,x,y3); xtitle("Dosage vs Time-period at Dap = .1*10^ -12 (m^2/s)", "Day", "Dosage (mg)"); legend (".1*10^12", ".2*10^12", ".4*10^12"); //Subplot 2 Dap2 = .01*10^-12 ;//[m^2/s] yn1 = 2*rhop*L^2/(sqrt(%pi))*sqrt(Das1*Dap2*3600*24*x)/(sqrt(Das1)+sqrt(Dap2)/K)*10^6; yn2 = 2*rhop*L^2/(sqrt(%pi))*sqrt(Das2*Dap2*3600*24*x)/(sqrt(Das2)+sqrt(Dap2)/K)*10^6; yn3 = 2*rhop*L^2/(sqrt(%pi))*sqrt(Das3*Dap2*3600*24*x)/(sqrt(Das3)+sqrt(Dap2)/K)*10^6; subplot(1,2,2); plot(x,yn1,x,yn2,x,yn3); xtitle("Dosage vs Time-period at Dap = .01*10^ -12 (m^2/s)", "Day", "Dosage (mg)"); legend (".1*10^12", ".2*10^12", ".4*10^12"); //END