clear; clc; printf('FUNDAMENTALS OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER \n Incropera / Dewitt / Bergman / Lavine \n EXAMPLE 12.5 Page 748 \n')// Example 12.5 // Total hemispherical emissivity // Total emissive Power // Wavelength at which spectral emissive power will be maximum T = 1600 ;//[K] temperature of surface wl1 = 2 ;//[micro-m] wavelength 1 wl2 = 5 ;//[micro-m] wavelength 2 stfncnstt = 5.67*10^-8; //[W/m^2.K^4] Stefan-Boltzmann constant // From the given graph of emissivities e1 = .4; e2 = .8; //From Equation 12.26 Black Body Radiation Eb = stfncnstt*T^4; //[W/m^2] //Solution (A) //From Table 12.1 as wl1*T = 2*1600 (micro-m.K) F02 = .318; //From Table 12.1 as wl2*T = 5*1600 (micro-m.K) F05 = .856; //From Equation 12.36 e = e1*F02 + e2*[F05 - F02]; //Solution (B) //From equation 12.35 E = e*Eb; //Solution (C) //For maximum condition Using Weins Law consttmax = 2898 ;//[micro-m.K] wlmax = consttmax/T; //equation 12.32 with Table 12.1 E1 = %pi*e1*.722*10^-4*stfncnstt*T^5; E2 = %pi*e2*.706*10^-4*stfncnstt*T^5; printf("\n (a) Total hemispherical emissivity = %.3f \n (b) Total emissive Power = %i kW/m^2 \n (c) Emissive Power at wavelength 2micro-m is greater than Emissive power at maximum wavelength \n i.e. %.1f kW/m^2 > %.1f kW/m^2 \n Thus, Peak emission occurs at %i micro-m",e,E/1000,E2/1000,E1/1000,wl1); //END