clear; clc; printf('FUNDAMENTALS OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER \n Incropera / Dewitt / Bergman / Lavine \n EXAMPLE 1.7 Page 30 \n')//Example 1.7 // (a) Cure Temperature for h = 15 W/m^2 // (b) Value of h for cure temp = 50 deg C Tsurr = 30+273; //[K] - Temperature of surrounding Tf = 20+273; //[K] - Temperature of Fluid Flow e=.5; // Emissivity of Surface a = .8; // Absorptivity of Surface G = 2000; //[W/m^2] - Irradiation falling on surface h=15; //[W/m^2.k] - Thermal Convectivity from plate to air stfncnstt=5.67*10^(-8); // [W/m^2.K^4] - Stefan Boltzmann Constant T=375; //[K] Value initially assumed for trial-error approach //Using Eq 1.3a & 1.7 and trial-and error approach of Newton Raphson while(1>0) f=((a*G)-(h*(T-Tf)+e*stfncnstt*(T^4 - Tsurr^4))); fd=(-h*T-4*e*stfncnstt*T^3); Tn=T-f/fd; if(((a*G)-(h*(Tn-Tf)+e*stfncnstt*(Tn^4 - Tsurr^4)))<=.01) break; end; T=Tn; end printf("\n (a) Cure Temperature of Plate = %i degC\n",T-273); //solution (b) Treq=50+273; function[T]=Tvalue(h) T=240; while(1>0) f=((a*G)-(h*(T-Tf)+e*stfncnstt*(T^4 - Tsurr^4))); fd=(-h*T-4*e*stfncnstt*T^3); Tn=T-f/fd; if(((a*G)-(h*(Tn-Tf)+e*stfncnstt*(Tn^4 - Tsurr^4)))<=.01) break; end; T=Tn; end funcprot(0) endfunction h = [2:.5:100]; Tm = [1:1:197]; for i=1:1:197; Tm(i)=Tvalue(h(i)); end T=Treq; hnew=((a*G)-(e*stfncnstt*(T^4 - Tsurr^4)))/(T-Tf); clf() xtitle("Graph Temp vs Convection Coeff", "h (W/m^2/K)", "T (degC)"); x=[0 hnew hnew]; y=[Treq-273 Treq-273 0]; plot(h,Tm-273,x,y); legend("Plot","h at T = 50 degC"); printf("\n (b) Air flow must provide a convection of = %i W/m^2.K", hnew); //END