clear; clc; // A Textbook on HEAT TRANSFER by S P SUKHATME // Chapter 7 // Heat Exchangers // Example 7.5 // Page 304 printf("Example 7.5, Page 304 \n \n"); mc = 2000 ; // [kg/h] Tce = 40 ; // [C] Tci = 15 ; // [C] Thi = 80 ; // [C] U = 50 ; // OHTC, [W/m^2 K] A = 10 ; // Area, [m^2] // Using effective NTU method // Assuming m_c*C_pc = (m*C_p)s NTU = U*A/(mc*1005/3600); e = (Tce-Tci)/(Thi-Tci); // From fig 7.23, no value of C is found corresponding to the above values, hence assumption was wrong. // So, m_h*C_ph must be equal to (m*C_p)s, proceeding by trail and error method printf("m_h(kg/h NTU C e T_he(C) T_he(C) (Heat Balance)"); mh = rand(1:5); NTU = rand(1:5); The = rand(1:5); The2 = rand(1:5); mh(1) = 200 NTU(1) = U*A/(mh(1)*1.161); //Corresponding Values of C and e from fig 7.23 C = .416; e = .78; //From Equation 7.6.2 Page 297 The(1) = Thi - e*(Thi-Tci) //From Heat Balance The2(1) = Thi - mc*1005/3600*(Tce-Tci)/(mh(1)*1.161); printf("\n\n %i %.3f %.3f %.3f %.2f %.2f",mh(1),NTU(1),C,e,The(1),The2(1)); mh(2) = 250 NTU(2) = U*A/(mh(2)*1.161); //Corresponding Values of C and e from fig 7.23 C = .520; e = .69; //From Equation 7.6.2 Page 297 The(2) = Thi - e*(Thi-Tci) //From Heat Balance The2(2) = Thi - mc*1005/3600*(Tce-Tci)/(mh(2)*1.161); printf("\n\n %i %.3f %.3f %.3f %.2f %.2f",mh(2),NTU(2),C,e,The(2),The2(2)); mh(3) = 300 NTU(3) = U*A/(mh(3)*1.161); //Corresponding Values of C and e from fig 7.23 C = .624; e = .625; //From Equation 7.6.2 Page 297 The(3) = Thi - e*(Thi-Tci) //From Heat Balance The2(3) = Thi - mc*1005/3600*(Tce-Tci)/(mh(3)*1.161); printf("\n\n %i %.3f %.3f %.3f %.2f %.2f",mh(3),NTU(3),C,e,The(3),The2(3)); mh(4) = 350 NTU(4) = U*A/(mh(4)*1.161); //Corresponding Values of C and e from fig 7.23 C = .728; e = .57; //From Equation 7.6.2 Page 297 The(4) = Thi - e*(Thi-Tci) //From Heat Balance The2(4) = Thi - mc*1005/3600*(Tce-Tci)/(mh(4)*1.161); printf("\n\n %i %.3f %.3f %.3f %.2f %.2f",mh(4),NTU(4),C,e,The(4),The2(4)); mh(5) = 400 NTU(5) = U*A/(mh(5)*1.161); //Corresponding Values of C and e from fig 7.23 C = .832; e = .51; //From Equation 7.6.2 Page 297 The(5) = Thi - e*(Thi-Tci) //From Heat Balance The2(5) = Thi - mc*1005/3600*(Tce-Tci)/(mh(5)*1.161); printf("\n\n %i %.3f %.3f %.3f %.2f %.2f",mh(5),NTU(5),C,e,The(5),The2(5)); clf(); plot(mh,The,mh,The2,[295 295 200],[0 39.2 39.2]) xtitle('The vs mh','mh (kg/hr)','The (C)'); printf("\n\n From the plot, value of mh = 295 kg/hr and correspondingly The = 39.2 C")