// Chapter 9 Example 7// clc clear // distance between conductors=d,diameter of conductors=d1,radius of conductor=r,height of the conductors from ground=h // d=4;// in m// d1=0.02;// in m// r=d1/2; h=8; // capacitance between conductors=cab// cab=(%pi*10^-9/(36*%pi))/(log(d/r)*(1/sqrt(1+(d/(2*h))^2)))*10^12;// to convert to pico farad multiply by 10^12 // printf("\n The capacitance between conductors = %.2f pF/m\n",cab); // capacitance between phase and neutral plane=can=cbn// can=2*cab; printf("\n The capacitance phase and neutral plane = %.2f pF/m\n",can); // capacitance betweem the conductors when effect of earth is ignored =cab1// cab1= %pi*((10^-9)/(36*%pi))*10^12/(log(d/r)); printf("\n The capacitance between conductors when effect of ground ignored = %.2f pF/m\n",cab1); // charging current =ic ,frequency of operation of conductors=f,voltage which charging is done=v// f=50;// in Hz// v=33*10^3;// in V// w=2*%pi*f; ic=w*cab*10^-12*10*10^3*v;// multiplying factors to get the answer in A// printf("\n Charging Current = %.3f A\n",ic);