//Chapter 4 Example2// clc clear //maximum demand of station=md,load factor=lf,average demand=ad// md=100;// in MW// lf=0.65; ad=md*lf; printf("\n Average Demand = %.f MW\n",ad); // daily enerqy produced=ed// ed=ad*24; printf("\n Daily energy produced = %.f MWh\n",ed); //plant utilization factor=puf,plant capacity factor=pcf,plant rated capacity=prc// puf=0.8; pcf=0.5; prc=ad/pcf; printf("\n Plant rated capacity = %.2f MW\n",prc); // reserve capacity=rc// rc=prc-md; printf("\n Reserve Capacity = %.2f MW\n",rc); // maximum energy produced=me// me=prc*24;// assumed to be running at all time// printf("\n Maximum Energy produced = %.2f MWh\n",me); //maximum energy produced if plant running at full load at all time=mefl// mefl=ed/puf; printf("\n Maximum energy that could be produced if running at full load = %.2f MWh\n",mefl); uf=md/prc; printf("\n Utilization factor = %.3f \n",uf);