// to estimate at full load internal induced emf, voltage drop caused y armature rxn, and field current ~ armature rxn demagnitisation clc; I_f=[0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4]; Voc=[10 52 124 184 220 244 264 276]; plot(I_f,Voc); xlabel('I_f(A)'); ylabel('Voc'); I_afl=50; R_a=.3; vd=I_afl*R_a; V=240; E_a=V+vd; disp(E_a,'internal induced emf(V)'); V_oc=276; //from magnetising curve,I_f=1.4 V_d=V_oc-E_a; disp(V_d,'armature rxn vol drop(V)'); I_f=0.36; K_ar=I_f/I_afl; disp(K_ar,'armature rxn demagnetisation');