// to calculate (a)open ckt current,power and pf when LV excited at rated voltage // (b) voltage at which HV side is excited, ip power and its pf clc; r=150000; //rating(VA) V1=2400; V2=240; a=V1/V2; R_1=.2; X_1=.45; R_i=10000; R_2=2*10^-3; X_2=4.5*10^-3; X_m=1600; //Referring the shunt parameters to LV side R_iLV=R_i/a^2; X_mLV=X_m/a^2; I_oLV=[V2/100 V2/16]; I_o=sqrt(I_oLV(1)^2+I_oLV(2)^2); disp(I_o,'I_o(A)'); pf=cosd(atand(I_oLV(2)/I_oLV(1))); disp(pf,'pf'); //equivalent series parameters referred to HVside R=R_1+R_2*a^2; X=X_1+X_2*a^2; Z=complex(R,X); disp(Z,'Z(ohm)'); z=[R X]; I_flHV=r/V1; V_scHV=I_flHV*sqrt(R^2+X^2); P_sc=I_flHV^2*R; disp(P_sc,'P_sc(W)'); pf_sc=cosd(atand(X/R)); disp(pf_sc,'pf_sc');