//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491 //Chapter-5, Example 2, Page 132 //Title: Initial Bubble Size at a Distributor //========================================================================================================== clear clc //INPUT uo=15;//Superificial gas velocity in cm/s umf=1;////Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in cm/s lor=2;//Pitch of perforated plate in cm g=980;//Acceleration due to gravity in cm/s^2 //CALCULATION //Case(a) For porous plate dbo1=(2.78/g)*(uo-umf)^2;//Initial bubble size using Eqn.(19) //Case(b) For Perforated plate Nor=(2/sqrt(3))*(1/lor)^2;//Number of orifices in cm^-2 dbo2=(1.30/(g^0.2))*((uo-umf)/Nor)^0.4;//Initial bubble size using Eqn.(15) assuming inital bubble size is smaller than hole spacing //OUTPUT printf('\nCase(a) For porous plate'); printf('\n\tInitial bubble size=%fcm',dbo1); printf('\nCase(b) For Perforated plate'); printf('\n\tInitial bubble size=%fcm',dbo2); printf('\n\tSince %f<%f, the equation used is correct.',dbo2,lor); //====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================