//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491 //Chapter-11, Example 1, Page 265 //Title: Fitting Reported Mass Transfer Data with the Bubbling Bed Model //========================================================================================================== clear clc //INPUT db=0.37;//Equilibrium bubble size in cm dp=0.028;//Particle size in cm rhos=1.06;//Density of solids in g/cc ephsilonmf=0.5;//Void fraction at minimum fluidization condition phis=0.4;//Sphericity of solids gammab=0.005;//Ratio of volume of dispersed solids to that of bubble phase rhog=1.18E-3;//Density of air in g/cc myu=1.8E-4;//Viscosity of gas in g/cm s D=0.065;//Diffusion coefficient of gas in cm^2/s Sc=2.35;//Schmidt number etad=1;//Adsorption efficiency factor y=1; umf=1.21;//Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in cm/s ut=69;//Terminal velocity in cm/s g=980;//Acceleration due to gravity in square cm/s^2 uo=[10;20;30;40;50];//Superficial gas velocity in cm/s //CALCULATION n=length(uo); i=1; Rept=(dp*ut*rhog)/myu; Shstar=2+(0.6*(Rept^0.5)*(Sc^(1/3)));//Sherwood no. from Eqn.(1) Kbc=4.5*(umf/db)+5.85*((D^0.5*g^0.25)/db^(5/4));//Gas interchange coefficient between bubble and cloud from Eqn.(10.27) ubr=0.711*(g*db)^0.5;//Rise velocity of the bubble while i<=n x(i)=(uo(i)-umf)/(ubr*(1-ephsilonmf));//The term delta/(1-epshilonf) after simplification Shbed(i)=x(i)*[(gammab*Shstar*etad)+((phis*dp^2*y)/(6*D))*Kbc];//Sherwood no. from Eqn.(11) Rep(i)=(dp*uo(i)*rhog)/myu;//Reynolds of the particle i=i+1; end //OUTPUT printf('\nThe desired result is the relationship between Shbed and Rep The points gives a straight line of the form y=mx+c'); printf('\nRep'); printf('\t\tShbed'); i=1; while i<=n printf('\n%f',Rep(i)); printf('\t%f',Shbed(i)); i=i+1; end plot(Rep,Shbed); xlabel("Rep"); ylabel("Shbed"); //====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================