//All the quantities are expressed in SI units b = 30*%pi/180; //oblique shock wave angle M1 = 2.4; //upstream mach number //from figure 9.9, for these value of M and beta, we have theta = 6.5*%pi/180; Mn_1 = M1*sin(b); //upstream mach number normal to shock //from Appendix B pressure_ratio = 1.513; temperature_ratio = 1.128; Mn_2 = 0.8422; M2 = Mn_2/sin(b-theta); printf("\nRESULTS\n---------\n theta = %1.1f degrees\n p2/p1 = %1.3f\n T2/T1 = %1.3f\n M2 = %1.2f\n",theta*180/%pi,pressure_ratio,temperature_ratio,M2)