//All the quantities are expressed in SI units l = 5; //dimensions of the room b = 7; h = 3.3; V = l*b*h; //volume of the room p = 101000; //ambient pressure T = 273 + 25; //ambient temperature R = 287; //gas constant gam = 1.4; //ratio of specific heats cv = R/(gam-1); cp = gam*R/(gam-1); //the density can by calculaled by the ideal gas law rho = p/R/T; //thus the mass is given by M = rho*V; //from eq.(7.6a), the internal energy per unit mass is e = cv*T; //thus internal energy in the room is E = e*M; //from eq.(7.6b), the enthalpy per unit mass is given by h = cp*T; //Thus the enthalpy in the room is H = M*h; printf("\nRESULTS\n--------\nThe internal energy in the room is:\n E = %1.2f x 10^7 J\n\nThe Enthalpy in the room is:\n H = %1.2f x 10^7 J\n",E/10^7,H/10^7 )