//CHAPTER 7_ Flow Measurement //Caption : Gross volume flow rate(venturi) // Example 5// Page 440 dt=.1 //('entering the throat diameter=:') dp=.2 //('entering the upstream diameter=:') Cd=0.95; g=9.81 B=0.5; At=%pi*dt^2/4; pf=780 //('entering density of oil in the pipeline =:') pm=1000 //('entering the density of manometer fluid=:') w=(1-B^4)^(1/2); e=sqrt(2*g*((pm/pf)-1)); S_ideal=At*e/w; printf('The ideal volume flow rate sensitivity is %1.4f (m^3/s/h^0.5)\n',S_ideal) // part b disp("Actual volume rate sensitivity is given by :") disp("S_actual=S_ideal/Cd") S_actual=S_ideal/Cd; printf('The actual volume rate sensitivity is %1.4f \n',S_actual) h=.3 //('entering the manometer reading of water height=:') disp("Actual volume flow rate is given by:") disp("Q_actual=S_actual*sqrt(h)") Q_actual=S_actual*sqrt(h); printf('The actual volume flow rate is %1.3f m^3/s\n',Q_actual)