//CHAPTER 7_ Flow Measurement //Caption : Gross volume flow rate(venturi) // Example 4// Page 439 dt=0.15 //('entering the throat diameter=:') dp=0.3 //('entering the upstream diameter=:') Cd=0.95; B=0.5; pm=13600 //('entering the density of manometer fluid=:') At=%pi*dt^2/4; g=9.81; pf=995.8 h=0.2 //('entering the height of mercury column due to flow (in m)=:') q=pf*At*Cd; w=(1-B^4)^(1/2); e=sqrt(2*g*((pm/pf)-1)); mdot_25=q*e*sqrt(h)/w disp("Mass flow is given by :") disp("mdot=pf*At*Cd*(1/(1-B^4)^(1/2))*sqrt(2*g*((pm/pf)-1)*sqrt h)") printf('So the mass flow at 25 deg cent is %fd kg/s\n',mdot_25) pf=999.8 //('entering density of water at 25 deg cent=:') h=0.2 //('entering the height of mercury column due to flow (in m)=:') q=pf*At*Cd; w=(1-B^4)^(1/2); e=sqrt(2*g*((pm/pf)-1)); mdot=q*e*sqrt(h)/w // error is mdot(25 deg cent)-mdot(t deg cent) printf(' The mass flow at 0 deg cent is %fd kg/s\n',mdot) error1=abs(((mdot_25-mdot)/mdot_25)*100); printf(' Change in temperature of water introduces insignificant error in mass flow measurement i.e. %1.2f%% \n',error1) pf=988.8 //('entering density of water at 25 deg cent=:') h=0.2 //('entering the height of mercury column due to flow (in m)=:') q=pf*At*Cd; w=(1-B^4)^(1/2); e=sqrt(2*g*((pm/pf)-1)); mdot=q*e*sqrt(h)/w // error is mdot(25 deg cent)-mdot(t deg cent) printf(' The mass flow at 50 deg cent is %fd kg/s\n',mdot) error2=abs(((mdot_25-mdot)/mdot_25)*100); printf('Therefore, change in temperature of water introduces insignificant error in mass flow measurement i.e. %1.2f%% \n',error2)