//CHAPTER 4_ Motion and Dimensional Measurement //Caption : Seismic velocity pickup // Example 8// Page 235 disp("fn=4") disp("S=500") disp("m=0.2") disp("v=1.5*10^-2") fn=4 //('enter the natural frequency=:') S=500 //('enter the sensitivity=:') m=0.2 //('enter the mass =:') v=1.5*10^-2 //('enter the maximum velocity with which the surface is vibrating=:') f=10 //('enter the frequency=:') r=f/fn; tou=0.2 // given w=2*%pi*f; eo=(v*S*r^2)/sqrt((1-r^2)^2+(2*tou*r)^2); printf('The peak voltage corresponding to 10Hz frequency is %fd mV\n',eo) phi1=360*atan(2*tou*r/(1-r^2))/(2*%pi); printf('phase angle corresponding to the 10 Hz frequency is %fd deg\n',phi1) f2=20 //('enter the other frequency=:') r=f2/fn; eo=(v*S*r^2)/sqrt((1-r^2)^2+(2*tou*r)^2); printf('The peak voltage corresponding to 20Hz frequency is %fd mV\n',eo) phi2=360*atan(2*tou*r/(1-r^2))/(2*%pi); printf('phase angle corresponding to the 20 Hz frequency is %fd deg\n',phi2)