clear; clc; disp("Air conditioning system of a storage warehouse will be turned on if and only if it satisfies these conditions"); disp("let W denotes weight of 100 tons or more"); disp("H denotes relative humidity of atleast 60 percent"); disp("T denotes temparature above 60 degrees"); disp("P denotes barometric pressure of 30 or more"); disp("*-first condition-*"); disp("W<100 tons => W^ ,H>=60 => H , T>60 "); disp("A1=W^HT"); disp("*-second condition-*"); disp("W>100 tons => W , T>60 => T"); disp("A2=WT"); disp("*-third condition-*"); disp("W<100 tons => W^ ,P>30 => P"); disp("A3=W^P"); disp("since Air condtioning system should be activated if any one of the above is satisfied so "); disp("A=A1+A2+A3"); disp("A=W^HT+WT+W^P"); disp("A=T(W^H+W)+W^P"); disp("A=T(W+H)+W^P"); disp("Thus a combinational system with above expression makes the air conditioning system on when required")