clear; clc; //N=input("enter the no of elements in the set :"); //for i=1:1:N // s(1,i)=input("enter the elements in the set :"); //end; //n=input("enter the number of pairs in the relation :"); //for j=1:1:n // for k=1:1:2 // r(j,k)=input("enter the elements in the relation :"); // end //end N=2; s=['a' 'b']; //elements in the set n=3; r=['a' 'a';'b' 'b';'a' 'b']; //realtion between the elements in the above set. ref=zeros(1,N); for a=1:1:N for b=1:1:n if(r(b,1)==s(1,a)&r(b,2)==s(1,a)) ref(1,a)=1; end end end for i=1:1:N //checking whether above relation is reflexive or not if(ref(1,i)==1) disp("the above relation is reflexive with elements "); disp(s(1,i)); disp(" "); end end sym=zeros(1,(N*N-1)/2); s(1,N+1)=s(1,1); for a=1:1:N //checking whether above relation is symmetric or not for b=1:1:n if(r(b,1)==s(1,a)&r(b,2)==s(1,a+1)) for d=1:1:n if(r(d,1)==s(1,a+1)&r(d,2)==s(1,a)) sym(1,a)=1; disp("the above relation is symmetric for these pairs :"); disp(")",s(1,a+1),s(1,a),"("); end end end end end for a=1:1:n //checking whether it is transtive or not. u=r(a,1); v=r(a,2); for b=a:1:n if(r(b,1)==v) w=r(b,2); for c=b:1:n if(r(c,1)==w&r(c,2)==u) disp("satisfies transtitve property"); abort; end end end end end