//Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics //Chapter 2 //P-V-T Relations //Example 2.8 clear; clc; //Given V = 27*(10^-3);//Volume of the container in m^3 n = (15/70.91);//n is the Kg moles of chlorine T = 293;//T is the temperature in K R = 0.08206; P = 10^(4.39-(1045/293));//P is the vapour pressure of chlorine Pc = 76.1;//Critical pressure of Chlorine Tc = 417;//Critical temperature of Chlorine Pr = P/Pc;//Reduced pressure of Chlorine Tr = T/Tc;//Critical temperature of Chlorine M = 70.91;//Molecular weight of the Chlorine //To determine the vapour pressure of chlorine, amount of liquid Cl2 and temperature required //(i)Specific volume of liquid Chlorine //From figure A.2.2 Zg = 0.93; //From figure A.2.6 Zl = 0.013; vl = ((Zl*R*T)/P); mprintf('(i)Specific volume of liquid Chlorine from compressibility chart is %f cubic meter /Kgmole',vl); //From Francis relation, taking the constants from Table 2.3 D = (1.606-(216*(10^-5)*20)-(28/(200-20)))*10^3;//Density of liq Cl2 in Kg/m^3 Vl = M/D; mprintf('\n Specific volume of liquid Chlorine from Francis relation is %f cubic meter /Kgmole',Vl); //(ii)Amount of liquid Cl2 present in the cylinder vg = ((Zg*R*T)/P); V1 = V-vg;//V1 is the volume of liquid Chlorine Vct = 0.027;//volume of the container Vg = (0.212-(Vct/vl))/((1/vg)-(1/vl));//By material balance W = ((V-Vg)*70.9)/vl; mprintf('\n\n (ii)Weight of Chlorine at 20deg cel is %f Kg',W); //(iii)Calculation of temperature required to evaporate all the liquid chlorine //log P' = 4.39 - 1045/T (given) //Assume the various temperature Ng = 0.212;//total Kg moles of gas Ta = [413 415 417]; N = [0,0,0]; for i = 1:3 Tr(i) = Ta(i)/Tc;//reduced temperature in K P(i) = 10^(4.39-(1045/Ta(i))); Pr(i) = P(i)/Pc;//reduced pressure in K //From the compressibility factor chart,Z values coressponding to the above Tr &Pr are given as Z = [0.4 0.328 0.208]; N(i) = (P(i)*Vct)/(Z(i)*R*Ta(i)); end clf; plot(N,Ta); xtitle("Ta vs N","N","Ta"); T1 = interpln([N;Ta],0.212);//in K mprintf('\n (iii)The temperature required to evaporate all the liquid chlorine is %f deg celsius',T1-273); //end