//Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics //Chapter 13 //Thermodynamics in Phase Equilibria //Example 13.19 clear; clc; //Given H_s_ex = 32.7;//experimental value of latent heat of the solution in KJ/mole x1 = 0.536;//mole percent of toulene in the solution x2 = 1-0.536;//mole percent of 1,1,1-trichloroethane in the solution H1 = 33.34;//Latent heat of toulene in KJ/gmole H2 = 29.72;//Latent heat of 1,1,1-trichloroethane in KJ/gmole He = 0;//excess enthalpy is neglected Cp1 = 39.55;//Specific heat of toulene in cal/gmole deg cel Cp2 = 24.62;//Specific heat of 1,1,1-trichloroethane in cal/gmole deg cel T_D = 100;//dew point temperature in deg cel T_B = 92.6;//bubble point temperature in deg cel //To calculate the latent heat of the solution and compare it with the one which calculated from the given vapour pressure equation //(i)Calculation of latent heat of the solution //From equation 13.118 (page no 291) H_s = H1*x1+H2*x2+He+(Cp1*x1+Cp2*x2)*10^-3*4.17*(T_D-T_B); mprintf('(i)The latent heat of the solution is %f KJ/gmole',H_s); D = ((H_s_ex-H_s)*100)/H_s_ex; mprintf('\n The deviation occurs using this method is %f percent',D); //(ii)Calculation of latent heat from the vapour pressure equation //From equation (a) (page no 291) K = 1657.599/((273.16+5)^2); H_s = (K*2.303*8.314*(273.16+5)^2)*10^-3; mprintf('\n\n(ii)The latent heat of the solution is %f KJ/gmole',H_s); D = ((H_s_ex-H_s)*100)/H_s_ex; mprintf('\n The deviation occurs using this method is %f percent',D); //end