//Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics //Chapter 13 //Thermodynamics in Phase Equilibria //Example 13.18 clear; clc; //Given T1 = 273-87;//temp in K T2 = 273;//temp in K H1 = 115;//Latent heat of saturated ethane at 1 atm and -87 deg cel in Kcal/Kg H2_ex = 72.44;//Experimental value of latent heat at 0 deg cel in Kcal/Kg Tc = 306;//Critical temperature in K M = 30;//Molecular weight of ethane //To Calculate the latent heat of saturated ethane at 0 deg cel Tr1 = T1/Tc;//reduced temp in K Tr2 = T2/Tc;//reduced temp in K //(i)Using Waton's method: H2_c = H1*((1-Tr2)/(1-Tr1))^0.38; mprintf('(i)The latent heat of saturated ethane at 0 deg cel using Waton method is %f Kcal/Kg',H2_c); D = (H2_ex-H2_c)*100/H2_ex; mprintf('\n The deviation occurs using this method is %f percent',D); //(ii)Using Vishwanath and Kuloor method //From equation 13.117 (page no 289) n = (0.00133*(H1*M/T1)+0.8794)^(1/0.1); H2_c = H1*((1-Tr2)/(1-Tr1))^n; mprintf('\n\n(ii)The latent heat of saturated ethane at 0 deg cel using Vishwanath and Kuloor method is %f Kcal/Kg',H2_c); D = (H2_ex-H2_c)*100/H2_ex; mprintf('\n The deviation occurs using this method is %f percent',D); //end