//example 4.2 clc; clear a(1,1)=0 // taking input in this form 1 if A, 0if A' and 2 if no A in the term a(1,2)=1 a(1,3)=2 a(2,1)=2 a(2,2)=0 a(2,3)=0 a(3,1)=1 a(3,2)=1 a(3,3)=1 p=3; for i=1:3 // finding the minterms here coun =0; for j=1:3 if a(i,j)==2 then coun = coun+1 end end if coun == 2 then p=p+3 else if coun==1 then p=p+1 end end end n=4; for m=4:p for l=1:3 a(m,l)=0; end end for i= 1:p for j=1:3 if a(i,j) ==2 then for k=1:3 a(n,k)=a(i,k) end a(i,j) = 0; a(n,j)=1; n=n+1; end end end for h=1:p f(h)=0 c=2; for m=1:3 //finding equivlent decimal values for the minterms f(h)= f(h) + a(h,m)*(2^c); c=c-1; end end disp('The min terms are :') //displaying the min terms disp(' A B C') disp(a) l=1 o(1,l)= f(l); // removing the repetations in minterms for i=2:p q=0; for b=1:l if o(1,b) == f(i) then q=89 ; end end if q==0 then o(1,l+1)=f(i); l=l+1; q=0; end end disp('The following data lines are to be given ''1'' and remaining should be given ''0'); // displying the decimal equivlent of minterms disp(o); disp('For a 4-1 mux, we should give D0 =C'',D1 = ''1'',D2 = C'' and D3 = C with A and B as data selector inputs ');