clear clc disp('Exa -12.5(a)'); t12=2.7*24*3600; //converting days into seconds w=0.693/t12; //lambeda printf('The decay constant is %e\n /sec',w); disp('Exa -12.5(b)'); printf('The decay constant is equal to probability of decay in one second hence %e \n',w); disp('Exa -12.5(c)'); m=10^-6;Na=6.023*10^23; M=198; //given values and constants N=m*Na/M; //number of atoms in the sample Ao=w*N; //activity printf('The activity was found out to be %e Ci',Ao); disp('Exa -12.5(d)'); t=7*24*3600; //given time A=Ao*%e^-(w*t); //activity printf('The activity after one week was found out to be %.2e decays/sec',A);