//Power developed(in kW) P=100; //No of cylinders k=6; //Brake specific fuel consumption(in kg/kWs) bsfc=0.3/3600; //Speed of engine(in rps) N=1500/60; //Density of fuel(in kg/m^3) Pf=0.9*10^3 //Coefficient of compressibility(per bar) Kcomp=80*10^-6; //Fuel in pump barrel(in cc) Vpb=4; //Fuel in injector(in cc) Vin=2; //Fuel in pipe line(in cc) Vpl=3; //Pressure in injector(in bar) p2=300; //Pressure in pump barrel(in bar) p1=1; //Pressure in cylinder(in bar) pcyl=40;