//Bore of engine(in cm) D=10; //Length of stroke(in cm) L=9; //speed of engine(in rpm) N=4000; //percentage of carbon PC=0.845; //Percentage of hydrogen PH=0.155; //Atomic weight of carbon AtC=12; //Atomic weight of hydrogen AtH=2; //Gas constant for air(n kJ/kgK) R=0.287; //Gas constant for fuel(in kJ/kgK) Rf=0.09; //Ambient temperature(in K) T=300; //Ambient pressure(in bar) Pa=1; //Fuel air ratio FA=0.07; //Discharge coefficient of air Cda=0.8; //Ratio of area of venturi ra=0.8; //Coefficient of air mixture Ca=0.95; //Velocity at throat(in m/s) C=200; //No of cylinders k=4; //volumetric efficiency nv=0.85; //Air fuel ratio AF=14.23;