//Brake power(in kW) bp=27; //Mass of gas used at NTP(in kg/h) Vg=8; //Calorific value of fuel(in kJ/kgK) CV=43000; //Cooling water circulated (in kg/min) Vc=7; //Cooling water temperature rise(in C) dwc=75-15; //Specific heat of cooling water(in kJ/kgK) Cpw=4.18; //Final temperature of exhaust gases in calorimeter(in K) Te2=55; //initial temperature of exhaust gases in calorimeter(in K) Te1=15; //Air fuel ratio AF=20; //Specific heat of exhaust gases(in kJ/kgK) Cpeg=1; //Brake power(in kW) bp=27; //Indicated power(in kW) ip=33; //Mass flowing through the calorimeter(in kg/min) mwc=12; //Final temperature of exhaust gases(in C) Tex=80; //Ambient temperature(in C) Ta=17;