//Gross indicated mean effective pressure(in bar) imepg=7.25; //Gross indicated mean effective pressure(in bar) imepp=0.35; //Bore of the engine(in m) D=0.3; //Stroke of the engine(in m) L=0.45; //Total no of revolution N=12624; //Time taken for test(in minutes) T=54; //Total fuel used (in m^3) Vf=7*10^-3; //Gravitational constant(in m/s^2) g=9.81; //Density of fuel(in kg/m^3) Pf=800; //Calorific value of fuel(in kJ/kgK) CV=42000; //Net load on brake(in kg) W=150; //Diameter of drum(in m) Dd=1.78; //Diameter of rope(in m) Dr=0.4; //Cooling water circulated (in lit) Vc=550; //Cooling water temperature rise(in C) dwc=48; //Specific heat of cooling water(in kJ/kgK) Cvw=4.18;