//Atmospheric pressure(in bar) p=1; //Universal gas constant(in kJ/kgK) R=287; //Ambient temperature(in K) T=300; //Coefficient of discharge Cd=0.6; //Orifice diameter(in m) d=0.03; //Gravitational constant(in m/s^2) g=9.81; //Pressure drop across orifice(in m) dHg=0.145; //Density of mercury(in kg/m^3) pHg=13600; //Density of air(in kg/m^3) pa=1.16; //Bore of the engine(in m) D=0.1; //Stroke of the engine(in m) L=0.12; //Speed of the engine(in rpm) N=2400; //No of cylinders K=6; //Brake load(in N) W=560; //Volume flow(in cc) Vf=100; //Time taken for flow(in sec) t=20; //Density of fuel(in kg/m^3) Pf=831; //% carbon C=0.83; //%Hydrogen H=0.17; //