pathname=get_absolute_file_path('20_5.sce') filename=pathname+filesep()+'20_5_data.sci' exec(filename) //Question 20.5 page 715 //Volume total (in m3/cycle) Vtot=k*(%pi/4)*(d*d)*(2*l)*(cr/(cr-1)) //Scavanger Density (psc) psc=ep/(r*t) //Theortical mass flow rate (in kg/cycle) tmf=Vtot*psc //Actual mass flow rate (amr) (in kg/cycle) amr=nsc*tmf //Mass flow rate of air supplied by the blower (mfrb) (in kg/cycle) mfrb=Rsc*tmf //Actual temperature (dta) (in kelvin) dta=((300*((1.15/1)^0.286))-t)/0.75 //New temperature (T2 in kelvin) T2=t+dta //Compressor work (in kW) Wc=((amr*dta*cp*s)/60) //V displacement (in m3/cycle) Vdisp=(k*(%pi/4)*(d*d*2*l)) //Brake mean effective pressure (bmep in bar) bmep=bp*1000/(Vdisp*(s/60)*10^(5)) //Total mechanical loss fp = 1.5*20 ip =bp+fp //Fuel consumed per hour (mf) mf=bsfc*bp //Idicated thermal efficiency (nith) nith=(ip/(mf*CV))*100 //Fuel-air ratio far=(mf/(60*720*Vtot)) printf("\n\nRESULTS\n\n") printf("\nIdicated thermal efficiency %f\n",nith) printf("\nFuel-air Ratio %f\n",far)