clc clear disp('example 14.16') vp=132;vs=33;vt=11 //voltage at primary ,secondary ,teritiory pp=75;ps=50;pt=25 //MVA rating at prinary ,secondary,teritiory rpr=0.12;rv=132;rp=75 //reactance power of primary under rv and rp as voltage and power base poa=60;rea=50 //load real and reactive power a pva=125;svaa=33 //primary and secondary voltage a svsb=25;pvb=140;svbb=33 //primary and secondary voltage at no load disp('(a)') vbas=132 ;mvabas=75 //assume voltage and MVA base v1pu=pva/vbas //voltage in per unit v1apu=round(v1pu*1000)/1000 //rounding off qre=rea/mvabas //reactive power in per unit vn1a=(v1apu+sqrt(v1apu^2-4*rpr*qre))/2 //voltage using quadratic equation formulae vn2a=(v1apu-sqrt(v1apu^2-4*rpr*qre))/2 vnaa=vn1a*vbas v12=pvb/vbas q=svsb/mvabas vn1b=(v12+sqrt(v12^2-4*rpr*q))/2 //voltage using quadratic equation formulae vn1b=round(vn1b*1000)/1000 vnbb=vn1b*vbas //vn in no load condition printf("vn=%.3f.p.u \n vn=%.3fkV",vn1a,vnaa) disp('(b)') printf("vn=%.3f.p.u \n vn=%.3fkV",vn1b,vnbb) z=vnaa/svaa;x=vnbb/svbb; printf("\n transformation ratio under load condition %.3f \n transformation ratio under no load condition %.3f \n the actual ratio can be taken as mean of the above value i.e.%.3fpercent\n varying by (+/-)%.3fpercent",z,x,(z+x)/2,x-(z+x)/2)