clc clear disp('example 14.15') v=220 //line voltage ps=11 ;ss=220;pr=220;sr=11 //primer and secondary end terminal voltages of tapping transformer zr=20;zi=60 //impedence of line in real ndimagenary parts p=100 //power at recieving end is 100MVA pf=0.8 //power factor at recievin end t=1 //prodect of 2 off terminal tap setting is 1 vt=11 //tap setting for 11 kv voltage bus P=(p*pf*10^6)/3 //real power Q=(p*sind(acosd(pf))*10^6)/3 //reactance power v1=v*(10^3)/sqrt(3) ts=(1/(1-(zr*P+zi*Q)/(v1^2)))^(0.5) printf(" tapping ratio at the source %.3f \n tapping ratio at the receving end %.2f",ts,1/ts)