clc clear disp('example14.10') tg=0.2 //time constent of steam turbine t=2 //time constant of turbine h=5 //inertia constent r=0.04 //given dl=0.01 //change in load df=0.01 //change in frequency c=1500 //capacity f=50 //frequency adl=0.01 //max allowable change in load printf("\ntransfer function of governor gr= 1/(1+%.1f*s) \n transfer function of turbine gt=1/(1+%d*s)",tg,t) rr=r*f d=(dl*c)/(df*f) dpu=(d/c) kp=(1/dpu) tp=(kp*(2*h)/(f)) printf("\ntransfer function of power system \n Gp=(%d/(1+%d*s)\n Df=-gp/(1+(0.5*(gr*gt*gp)))",kp,tp) ddf=-(kp)/(1+kp/r) dff=df*f m=dff/(ddf) mm=m*c disp('(b)') printf("\nthe largest step in the load if the frequency change by more than %.2f in steady state %dMW",adl,mm) if mm<0 printf("\nthe minu sign is becose of the that if frequency is to increase by %f \nthe change in load be negative.",adl) else printf("\nthe largest step in load if the frequency is to decrease by %f /n the change in load be positive",adl) end disp('(c)') disp('when integral controller is used,static frequency error is zero')