clear clc disp("example 10.2") mp=250 //from example 10.1 function [ic]=unit1(p1) ic=0.2*p1+30 endfunction function [ic]=unit2(p2) ic=0.15*p2+40 endfunction mil=20 ttt=225 function [p1,p2]=un(ic) p1=(ic-30)/0.2 p2=(ic-40)/0.15 endfunction for x=40:5:60 [e,r]=un(x) if ttt==e+r then printf("for the same incremental costs unit1 should supply %dMW and unit 2 shold supply %dMW,for equal sharing each unit should supply %3.1fMW",e,r,ttt/2) break end end opo=ttt/2 u1=integrate('unit1','p1',opo,e) u2=integrate('unit2','p2',r,opo) uuu=(u1+u2)*8760 printf("\nyearly extra cost is (%3.2f-%3.2f)8760 =%dper year",u1,u2,uuu) printf("\nthis if the load is equally shared by the two units an extra cost of Rs.%d will be other words economic loading would result in saving of Rs.%dper year",uuu,uuu)