//Convert the Matrix A to upper Hessenberg A=[7,8,6,6;1,6,-1,-2;,1,-2,5,-2;3,4,3,4;] printf('Matrix A is') disp(A) printf('We can create zeros inthe first column and row 3 and 4 by B*A*B(invrse) Where B is') b3=A(3,1)/A(2,1) b4=A(4,1)/A(2,1) B=[1,0,0,0;0,1,0,0;0,-b3,1,0;0,-b4,0,1] disp(B) A=B*A*inv(B) printf('After perfroming the multiplication we have' ) disp(A) printf('We can create zeros inthe second column and row 4 by B*A*B(invrse) Where B is') b4=A(4,2)/A(3,2) B=[1,0,0,0;0,1,0,0;0,0,1,0;0,0,-b4,1] disp(B) A=B*A*inv(B) printf('After perfroming the multiplication we have' ) disp(A) printf('this is upper Hessenberg')