clear ; clc; // Example 22.3 printf('Example 22.3\n\n'); //page no. 662 // Solution fig.E22.3a //Lets take tank to be system // Given T = 600 ; // Temperature of steam -[K] P = 1000 ;// Pressure of steam -[kPa] // Additional data for steam obtained from CD database at T and P U = 2837.73 ;// Specific internal energy-[kJ/kg] H = 3109.44 ;// Specific enthalpy -[kJ/kg] V = 0.271 ;// Specific volume -[cubic metre/kg] // Use eqn. 22.6 to get change in specific internal energy,by simplifing it with following assumption: //1. Change in KE and PE of system = 0, therefore change in total energy = change in internal energy //2. W = 0,work done by or on the system //3. Q = 0 , system is well insulated //4. Change in KE and PE of entering steam = 0 //5. H_out = 0, no stream exits the system //6. Ut1 = 0, initially no mass exists in the system // By the reduced equation Ut2 = H ;// Internal energy at final temperature-[kJ/kg] printf('\nThe specific internal energy at final temperature is %.2f kJ/kg. \nNow use two properties of the steam (P = %i kPa and Ut2 = %.2f kJ/kg) to find final temperature (T) from steam table. \nFrom steam table we get T = 764 K.',Ut2,P,Ut2);