clear ; clc; // Example 13.7 printf('Example 13.7\n\n'); //Page no. 416 // Solution fig E13.7 G = 100 ;// Basis: Pyrolysis Gas-[lb mol] ub_CO = 10/100 ;// fraction of CO left unburnt ex_air = 40/100 ;;// fraction of excess air m_vol = 359 ;// molar volume of gas at std. cond.-[cubic feet] Ts = 492 ;// Standard temperature -[degree Rankine] Ps = 29.92 ;//Standard pressure -[in. Hg] // Analysis of entering gas of entering gas Tf1 = 90 ;// Temperature of gas-[degree F] T_gas = Tf1 + 460 ;//Temperature of gas-[degree Rankine] P_gas = 35 ;//Pressure-[in. Hg] CO2 = 6.4/100 ;// mol fraction of CO2 O2 = 0.1/100 ;// mol fraction of O2 CO = 39/100 ;// mol fraction of CO H2 = 51.8/100 ;// mol fraction of H2 CH4 = 0.6/100 ;// mol fraction of CH4 N2 = 2.1/100 ;// mol fraction of N2 // Analysis of entering air Tf2 = 70 ;// Temperature of air -[degree F] T_air = Tf2 + 460 ;//Temperature of air-[degree Rankine] P_air = 29.4 ;//Pressure of air [in. Hg] f_N2 = 79/100 ;// mol fraction of N2 f_O2 = 21/100 ;// mol fraction of O2 // Get O2 required for combustion of CO,H2 & CH4 according to the following equation // CO + 1/2O2-->CO2 //H2 + 1/2O2-->H20 //CH4 + 2O2--> CO2 + 2H2O O2r_O2 = O2 * G ;// O2 required by O2-[lb mol] O2r_CO = CO * G/2 ;// O2 required by CO-[lb mol] O2r_H2 = H2 * G/2 ;// O2 required by H2-[lb mol] O2r_CH4 = G * CH4 * 2 ;// O2 required by CH4-[lb mol] O2r_total = O2r_O2 + O2r_CO + O2r_H2 + O2r_CH4 ;// Total O2 required-[lb mol] ex_O2 = ex_air * O2r_total ;// Excess O2-[lb mol] total_O2 = ex_O2 + O2r_total ;// Total amt of O2 in air-[lb mol] total_N2 = total_O2 * (f_N2/f_O2);// Total amt of in air-[lb mol] air = total_O2 + total_N2 ;// Total air entering -[lb mol] // Product analysis P_CO = ub_CO * CO * G ;//Unburnt CO in P-[lb mol] //Element balance of 2N P_N2 = N2 * G + total_N2 ;// N2 in P-[lb mol] //Element balance of C P_CO2 = (CO2 + CO + CH4) * G - 1 * P_CO;//CO2 in P-[lb mol] // Element balance of 2H P_H2O = (H2 + 2 * CH4) * G ;// H2 in P-[lb mol] // Element balance of 2O P_O2 = (CO2 + O2 + 0.5 * CO) * G + total_O2 -P_CO2-0.5 * (P_H2O + P_CO);// O2 in P-[lb mol] P = P_CO + P_N2 + P_CO2 + P_H2O + P_O2 ;// Product-[lb mol] Tf3 = 400 ;// Temperature of product-[degree F] T_prod = Tf3 + 460 ;//Temperature of product-[degree Rankine] P_prod = 35 ;// Pressure of product -[in.Hg] V_gas = (G * m_vol * T_gas * Ps)/(Ts * P_gas); V_air = (air * m_vol * T_air * Ps)/(Ts * P_air); V_prod = (P * m_vol * T_prod * Ps)/(Ts * P_prod); air_ft3 = V_air/V_gas ;//Air supplied per ft^3 of gas entered-[cubic feet] P_ft3 = V_prod/V_gas ;//Product gas produced per ft^3 of gas entered-[cubic feet] printf(' Air supplied per ft^3 of gas entered %.2f cubic feet.\n ',air_ft3); printf(' Product gas produced per ft^3 of gas entered %.2f cubic feet.\n',P_ft3);