clear ; clc; // Example 10.7 printf('Example 10.7\n\n'); // Page no. 286 // Solution C3H8 = 20 ;//C3H8 burned in a test-[kg] m_C3H8 = 44.09 ;// mol. wt . of 1 kmol C3H8 cf_O2 = 5 ;// coefficient of O2 in given reaction air = 400 ;// Air given -[kg] m_air = 29 ;// molecular wt. of 1kmol air-[kg] O2p = 21 ;// percentage of O2 in air-[%] p_CO2 = 44 ;// CO2 produced -[kg] p_CO = 12 ;// CO produced -[kg] O2 = (air*O2p/100)/(m_air) ;// amount of entering O2-[k mol] rqO2 = (C3H8*cf_O2)/(m_C3H8) ;// Required O2 for given reaction ex_air = ((O2-rqO2)*100)/rqO2 ;// Excess air percent-[%] printf('Excess air percent is %.0f %%.\n',ex_air);