clear; clc; printf("\t\t\tExample Number 8.20\n\n\n"); // solar-environment equilibrium temperatures // Example 8.20 (page no.-454) // solution q_by_A_sun = 700;// [W/m^(2)] solar flux T_surr = 25+273;// [K] surrounding temperature sigma = 5.669*10^(-8);// [W/square meter K^(4)] // at radiation equilibrium the netenergy absorbed from sun must equal the long-wavelength radiation exchange with the surroundings,or // (q_by_A_sun)*alpha_sun = alpha_low_temp*sigma*(T^4-T_surr^4) (a) // case (a) for white paint // for white paint we obtain from table 8-4 alpha_sun = 0.12; alpha_low_temp = 0.9; // so that equation (a) becomes T = [(q_by_A_sun)*alpha_sun/(alpha_low_temp*sigma)+T_surr^(4)]^(1/4);// [K] printf("radiation equilibrium temperature for the plate exposed to solar flux if the surface is coated with white paint is %f degree celsius",T-273); // case (b) for flat black lacquer we obtain alpha_sun = 0.96; alpha_low_temp = 0.95; // so that equation (a) becomes T = [(q_by_A_sun)*alpha_sun/(alpha_low_temp*sigma)+T_surr^(4)]^(1/4);// [K] printf("\n\nradiation equilibrium temperature for the plate exposed to solar flux if the surface is coated with flat black lacquer is %f degree celsius",T-273);