//Example 5.3 //Program to estimate the insertion loss when: //(a)there is uniform illumination of all guided modes only //(b)there is uniform illumination of all guided and leaky modes clear; clc ; close ; //Given data y=3*10^(-6); //metre - LATERAL MISALIGNMENT a=25*10^(-6); //metre - CORE RADIUS //(a)Misalignment Loss Lt1=0.85*(y/a); //Coupling efficiency eeta_lat1=1-Lt1; //Insertion Loss Loss_lat1=-10*log10(eeta_lat1); //(b)Misalignment Loss Lt2=0.75*(y/a); //Coupling efficiency eeta_lat2=1-Lt2; //Insertion Loss Loss_lat2=-10*log10(eeta_lat2); //Displaying the Results in Command Window printf("\n\n\t (a)Insertion Loss (there is uniform illumination of all guided modes only) is %0.2f dB .",Loss_lat1); printf("\n\n\t (b)Insertion Loss (there is uniform illumination of all guided and leaky modes) is %0.2f dB .",Loss_lat2);