//Electric machines and power systems by Syed A Nasar //Publisher:TataMcgraw Hill //Year: 2002 ; Edition - 7 //Example 3.4 //Scilab Version : 6.0.0 ; OS : Windows clc; clear; v1=220;v2=110; //voltages of primary and secondary windings res. Q=10; //reactive power at KVA R1=.25;R2=.06; //voltages of primary and secondary windings res. a=v1/v2; I1=(Q*10^3)/v1; I2=a*I1; R21=(a^2)*R2; Rp=R1+(a^2)*R2; R12=R1/(a^2); Rs=R1/(a^2)+R2; printf('the turns ratio is %d\n',a); printf('total resistance reffered to primary is %f ohms\n',Rp); printf('total resistance referred to secondary is %f ohms',Rs)