//Electric machines and power systems by Syed A Nasar //Publisher:TataMcgraw Hill //Year: 2002 ; Edition - 7 //Example 3.12 //Scilab Version : 6.0.0 ; OS : Windows clc; clear; a=5; //turns ratio R1=.5; //primary resistance in ohms R2=.021; //secondary resistance in ohms x1=3.2; //primary leakage reactance in ohms x2=.12; //secondary leakage reactance in ohms Rc=350; //core loss current in ohms xm=98; //magnetising reactance in ohms Rd=R1+(a^2)*R2; Xd=x1+(a^2)*x2; Rdd=(R1/a^2)+R2; Xdd=(x1/a^2)+x2; Rcd=Rc/a^2; xmd=xm/a^2; printf('The circuit parameters referred to primary are Rd=%f Xd=%f Rc=%f xm=%f in ohms\n',Rd,Xd,Rc,xm) printf('The circuit parameters referred to secondary are Rdd=%f Xdd=%f Rcd=%f Xmd=%f in ohms',Rdd,Xdd,Rcd,xmd)