//Electric machines and power systems by Syed A Nasar //Publisher:TataMcgraw Hill //Year: 2002 ; Edition - 7 //Example 2.3 //Scilab Version : 6.0.0 ; OS : Windows clc; clear; bg=0.001; //flux in the air gap in Wb Am=16*10^-4; //area of magnetic member in m^2 u0=4*3.14*10^-7; //permiability of free space lm=0.1; //length of the steel in m lg=0.1*10^-3; //length of air gap in m sf=0.9; //stacking factor of M19 steel h=130,hm=54; //flux density in At/m rg=lg/(1.1*u0*Am); //reluctance bm=bg/(sf*Am); //flux density in magnetic material in T ua=bm/(u0*hm); //amplitude of permeability rm=lm/(ua*u0*Am); //reluctance of magnetic member NI=bg*(rg+rm); //exciting ammpereturns in At printf('the required ampere turns is %2f',NI)